Grim Reaper Acquitted For Protesting Drones

Submitted by John Amidon on Fri, 05/02/2014 - 10:43

On April 28, 2014, I stood before Judge David  Gideon in DeWitt Town Court. Charged with attempted criminal trespass and loitering for wearing a mask, few thought I had a chance of winning.  However after a brilliant defense presented by my lawyer, Kathy Manley, the Judge had no reasonable choice but to find me innocent.  Thank you Kathy, all of my witnesses, Maureen, Pete and Ted and all of the good folks who turned out to support me and our mission to stop the drone assassination program. Ground the weaponized drones.  Below and inside are links to several articles  about this case and the video which was a key piece of evidence in proving my innocence.  At, Catie O'Toole has written a fine article and thank you Dennis Yusko of the Times Union for covering this story also. Also here is ta link to a key piece of evidence by videographer Ted Forsyth. 

A Fine Interview With Kathy Kelly

Submitted by John Amidon on Sun, 04/27/2014 - 10:21
Thank you Dan and Jay Wlicox and UDR Productions.
We must stay strong even when the forward progess is slow. If we look for the best possible solutions and make an honest attempt to move forward we will find our way.  February is nearly half over and Spring is not to far away.  The days are getting longer and the sun is brighter.  Keep walking with VFP my brothers and sisters. We are the 'Winter Soliders" indomitable.
Paz, John