Transform Now - Sr. Megan Rice 's latest letter from prison

Submitted by John Amidon on

Sr. Megan Rice's latest letter from prison.

March 2, 2014 Ocilla, GA

Dear sisters and brothers, united as we are in efforts to transform weapons of war (alá Y-12, etc.) into projects fostering LIFE in all its fullness, restorative of justice, and healing for our planet and for the children...
Surely, our days since January 14, when we departed from Ocilla at 3:00 a.m. to arrive in the Knoxville office of the U.S. Marshall at 10:30 a.m., have been packed with learning experiences. These merit reflection. They even deserve to be communicated as events calling for our shared response.
You can imagine our joy in finding ourselves that day seated in front of or behind each other in a comfortable prisoner transport van, where we could have our first chat since last May 24, 2013 when we first rode from Knox County, TN detention facilities to Ocilla. (Here in Ocilla, Mike, Greg and I have been allowed only tto write to each other over the months.) But the memory of chatting during that one 8-hour drive is truly treasured! Our return here on February 28, 2014 was in separate vans. Now we look forward to your discussions on the merits and objectives of a generously proffered pro bono appeal. I have passed on my hopes to the legal support team, coordinated by the OREPA community. I look forward to Mike's and Greg's and to any of your creative suggestions.
As for the other important learning experiences, and in addition to what we heard during both sessions of the sentencing hearing on January 28 and February 18, I can sum them up under the heading “Symptoms: of decaying social structures, created as fallout by the United States' 70 years of unrestrained violence, caused by violent intentions to engage in violent production, testing, storing, developing and threatening to use even more destructive weapons of mass destruction.” The violence resulting from a culture addicted to profiteering by the nuclear weapons industrial complex (as suggested by J. R. Oppenheimer in 1945), has filtered down into the prisons, where we have been, and are being able to witness and experience violence begetting violence in such cruel behavior engaged in, uncritically, by both administrators and, as victims, by the masses of countless detainees.
Detainees arrive, already abused, to experience overcrowded and botched justice and prison systems, e.g., I saw the needless theft by officials and denial of the use of eye glasses for a significant number of inmates, and the absence of adequate programs for real, creative growth by restorative healing processes. Instead we saw unconscionable neglect of people. Most are held with nothing simply to occupy their hours, days, weeks and months spent “awaiting sentencing,” because of overloaded and overwhelmed courts. I learned first hand of the public's lowest paid workers and the most understaffed, lowest-budgeted department in a county or district, while a national budget appropriates billions on war machines that no one ever wants to use, but which could be used to contribute to addressing the widespread basic and blatantly urgent social needs.
Instead of engagement in any productive activities beyond inadequate warehousing, clothing and feeding of inmates, officials waste time and tax-payers hard-earned savings by devising, administering and investigating ways to further incriminate, punish and suppress the most vulnerable citizens. As one example of this, I personally received 3 charges for refusing to strip- search, i.e., 1) possession of one paper clip (among my privileged legal papers) after court, and one metal clasp on a paper envelope called “dangerous contraband”, 2) failure to obey lawful rule, and 3) interference with a search – for which I was pronounced guilty, then given 31 days “in lock- down”. My refusal was motivated by my unwillingness to submit to a routine strip search after an interview of an hour in a secured booth with my lawyer, as this would have compromised his integrity; also, by my moral responsibility to resist this unnecessary degradation for any inmate subjected to such rules and demeaning searches. But the written description of my “offense” failed to mention “strip search”, or the implied compromise of a lawyer's integrity by such a rule. The penalty also included with the 31 days lock-down, denials of phone use and commissary “rights.”
I looked into the charges of my 7 fellow inmates in our lockdown pod of 7 cells side-by-side. Each had 31-day “sentences” for minor “offenses,” like failure to get up when sick or reserving one arthritis pain pill to take at night so the inmate could sleep (designated “hoarding pills”). In some cases offenses were declared “not guilty,” but the inmate still got 8 days added to her previous months in lockdown segregation. This means locked in 23 hours daily with one hour alone in the large, airy day room for exercise and a shower.
I was indeed blessed by hearing these stories and by meeting with a concerned county commissioner of Knox County. She took me on and visited several times to learn what is happening in their jails, and to pledge assurance of advocating for reforms through her elected public office. She immediately effected the return of eye glasses denied by officers on intake. Some had waited for many weeks unable to read. These unknown practices will be investigated by a determined woman politician who is highly motivated to promote locally real reform and oversight with justice and compassion. Well worth our stays in Knox and Blount Counties – where a new policy on jail correspondence by postcard only has just been imposed. Also, the rest of the country now must implement rules that regulate the exorbitant phone costs (while in TN the cost of out-of-state calls remains $13.60 for 10 minute calls). Tis a relief to get back to Georgia where the new regulations are now implemented, with a cap of $.21/min. plus tax on all inmate calls, 15 min. maximum length, however.
What is all this saying about the fallout of violence within this U.S. culture, upon the lives of its citizens – from violence to violence? Or to our call for transformation: of minds and hearts into healing, nonviolent, life-enhancing alternatives to war-making as the psycho-social economic base of our economic and cultural systems?
Our love and deep gratitude to each one, for your vibrant, long-term solidarity in the ways of nonviolence. May we not fear to be, and become, as Francis Lloyd Jr., one of our legal team, reminded me during our sentencing, like “Jesus of Nazareth [who] was called a revolutionary.”
Love, Megan, shcj



Please write to Judge Thapar to encourage leniency for the Oak Ridge 3, nonviolent protesters of nuclear weapons.

Dear VFP and Friends,

I am encouraging everyone to sign the Roots Action Petition above. It now has over 14,000 signatures! I know Sr. Megan well. She is a good woman who has worked for nuclear abolition and peace and justice for many years.  She is 84 years old and I do not want her to die in prison even though she is willing to make this sacrifice. If we want to survive as a species we must rid the world of nuclear weapons. Thanks for signing and sharing this petition. Please also consider coming to Knoxville on February 18, 2014 to support Megan, Michael and Greg. Information inside.  Paz, John Amidon



 Sentencing for Transform Now Plowshare 

 Tuesday, February 18, 2014: Michael Walli, Megan Rice and Greg Boertje-Obed will appear in federal court in Knoxville, Tennessee to be sentenced by Judge Amul Thapar for their July 28, 2012 Transform Now Plowshares action. Convicted in May 2013 by a jury of charges including depredation of property and sabotage, the court will finishing the sentencing proceedings and hear the eloqutions. 

According to federal sentencing guidelines, which take into account previous records and the nature of the offense in determining a “sentencing range” to serve as a guideline for the sentencing judge, the sentenced recommend for each of the three is different. Megan Rice is likely to face a sentencing range in excess of three years; Greg Boertje-Obed a sentence exceeding six and a half years; Michael Walli is expected to face a sentencing range that begins at eight years.

 More than two thousand cards and letters have been delivered to the Judge urging a downward departure in recognition of the nonviolent nature of the defendants and their argument (inadmissible at trial) that their action conforms to US obligations under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and the responsibilities places on citizens by the Nuremberg code. The Transform Now Plowshares action was carried out at the Y12 Nuclear Weapons Complex in Oak Ridge where the United States continues to produce core components for thermonuclear weapons and plans to build a new $19 billion bomb plant, called the Uranium Processing Facility.

 Sentencing will take place in federal court in Knoxville, located between Cumberland Avenue and Main Street in downtown Knoxville and the south end of Market Street. Seating may be limited; those wishing to attend sentencing must have a picture ID to enter the courthouse.

 If you are traveling to Knoxville by bus or air, OREPA will be happy to assist with transportation and housing. Let us know by email <> or phone 865 776 5050.