Thank You

Submitted by John Amidon on Thu, 12/20/2012 - 10:08
Dear Friends,


I want to thank everyone again for your generous assistance to my legal defense fund and work to abolish nuclear weapons. Knowing I was not alone and strongly supported by my peace community, with your encouraging thoughts and prayers and generous financial contributions, was a tremendous help and deeply appreciated. 


By now most of you know the Vandenberg 15 won.  All charges were dismissed against us with prejudice against the government.  Truly this was not the expected outcome and we were delighted with this small but important victory.  


There is still much to do and I need your help again.  If this next step  isn’t taken then all of our work will fall short.  I know everyone cannot risk arrest and clearly this isn’t necessary. However what is necessary is for  everyone to call the White House at 202-456-1111 and request that the Minuteman lll missiles be retired and dismantled.  I also need you to sign on the Roots Action Petition at   This is easy to do and  will move our work to abolish nuclear weapons forward greatly.


I believe we can change the world for the better and I also know this will only be done in community with your support, so please pick up the phone and sign the Roots Action online petition. We can eliminate the Minuteman lll missiles and if you take these actions we will.  Together we can create the world we desire to live in.  Thank you.


Yours in Peace,

John Amidon