Dennis Yusko and the Times Union are to be commended for alerting the Capital District to the proposed drone flights over the Adirondacks ('Big eye' has Adirondack sights, February 12). It's a sad day if this the best Senator Schumer can do for the state. New Yorkers do not need mechanical “predators” flying over the Adirondacks spying on us, and our taxpayer money is poorly spent on another deadly weapons system known for killing far more innocent civilians than enemy soldiers. The militarization of our Adirondack airspace is morally reprehensible and a continuation of a failed war economy, which has left the U.S. on the verge of financial collapse. It's time to ask, how is the war economy working for you? Look at the massive state layoffs and cuts in aid to education, health care, and other vital human services: what we need are green, sustainable, life-affirming jobs.
Not only does the potential for abuse far outweigh the potential for good with each new weapons systems introduced into the ever-expanding military arsenal. We are now a nation that casually accepts the killing of others for our material comfort. Over 4,400 U.S. servicemen and -women, and over a million Iraqis, are dead due to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. How little we hear about them.
The question that needs to be considered is, when will any of us be designated as the "Other" by our government? President Obama has authorized assassinations of Americans and is attempting to claim the right to do so anywhere, anytime, without any oversight or judicial review. On May 4, 2010 at the White House Correspondents Association dinner, President Obama casually joked with the Jonas Brothers about killing with drones, saying, "But boys, don't get any ideas. Two words for you: predator drones. You will never see it coming.” The American people need to know that drones are not a joke, and if you don't see them coming now, next time it will be too late.
Linda LeTendre has posted an excellent column about Ray McGovern in Waging Peace. It is called, "Hillary the hypocrite" and may be found at:
I very much enjoyed our February Chapter meeting and discussion held. Thanks Ed and Lou.
Our next meeting is Monday, March 21, 2011, at the VA Hospital, 4th floor, Ann Wilson Lounge at 7 PM. The War Healing Circle is the 2 and 4 Sunday of each month at 6PM, UU Society of Albany, 405 Washington Ave., Albany, NY. More inside . . .