Inside Gaza: The Olmert Effect

Submitted by John Amidon on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 13:16
January 13, 2010

Inside Gaza: The Olmert Effect
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 - 4PM
Union College, Golub House Seminar Room

Elliot Adams at   518-441-2697
John Amidon at 518-312-6442   
On January 13, 2010, 4 PM,  Elliot Adams of Veterans for Peace will speak and show slides of his recent trip to Gaza.  Few Americans have been inside Gaza and this is a rare opportunity for both students and the community to visually venture into what has becom
e the world’s largest prison camp. This is guaranteed to be a provocative and shocking experience for many.

A major protest is being planned for Ehud Olmert former prime minister of Israel on January 14, 2010 at Union College in front of Memorial Chapel. Please plan on attending. Inside you will find an excellent statement by Union College professors and one by Dr. Jennings of Conscience International. Wanted for war crimes in the UK and Norway and indicted in Israel for corruption,  former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will speak at Union College on January 14, 2010 at Memorial Chapel at 7 PM.

Join the protest in front of Memorial Chapel starting at 5 PM on 01/14/10.


A Position Statement from Members of the Union College Community:

Whereas, Union’s Strategic Plan calls for graduating students who are “engaged, innovative, and ethical contributors to an increasingly diverse, global, and technologically complex society;” and

Whereas, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has been indicted on serious corruption charges in his own country, has been officially implicated by the United Nations in war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza, and has also been implicated in the suppression of dissent:

We, the undersigned, hold that the administration's decision to allow the Speaker’s Forum to invite Mr. Olmert was mistaken and contradicts the values and ethics of Union College. We reject the argument that Mr. Olmert’s visit is simply that of a “controversial” individual. We reject the logic that validates such a position, and hold it to be irrational and inconsistent with the intellectual climate we hope to create. Mr. Olmert's appearance at Union does not contribute to the free exchange of ideas. On the contrary, closed to the general public, under the pall of heavy security, and with questions vetted by moderators, this event seems to limit and stifle opposing viewpoints ­ a set of conditions inconsistent with our tradition of academic freedom. Furthermore, we deplore the significant negative impact this event will have on Union’s academic reputation on the local, national, and international levels. We go on record strongly against this decision to invite Mr. Olmert to speak at Union College, and urge that the event be canceled.


Anyone wishing to sign this statement is invited to contact any of us listed below to be added to the list of supporters. We are compelled by our consciences to circulate this position statement within the Union College community and beyond.

Contact David Ogawa at

David Ogawa, Eshi Motahar,Tom Lobe,Mazin Tadros,Andy Feffer,Michelle Chilcoat,Valerie Barr,John Amidon-VFP,Elliot Adams-VFP


Dissent vs Fascism

As one of those present in Gaza last January while its defenseless
population was being bombed for 21 days by Olmert's government, I appeal to the
Union College faculty not to provide a platform for the war criminal Ehud
Olmert. My reasons are the same as those stated in the position paper by
concerned members of the Union College community. By featuring Olmert, you will
in fact be giving your active blessing to those acts of terrorism that killed
1,409 people, a great many of them children. This is unconscionable. US
Academics for Peace, a unit of the humanitarian NGO Conscience International,
always encourages dialogue in the interest of peace; however, by inviting Olmert
to speak unopposed you are stifling dissent and strengthening his brand of

James E. Jennings, PhD
President, Conscience International
and Executive Director, US Academics for Peace