Our New Website and Our Next Campaign Against The Iraq War

Submitted by John Amidon on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 22:25

Welcome to the new website for Chapter 10 of the Veterans For Peace.  We are using this new website to launch our next campaign against the Iraq War.

Below is a power message we have constructed that will run in the Watertown Daily Times on Veterans Day, November 11, 2007 as a full page color advertisement.

We're reaching out to the military community at Ft. Drum with this powerful presentation to help create the necessary dialogue and empower the community to address this issue more directly.  We're also sending a direct message to the military command - a call for responsible leadership.

Here's where we need your help.

This full page color advertisement will cost slightly over $3600.00.  Remember that message, "United We Stand?"  If we, the people, "Stand United" there is no stronger force on the face of this earth than "We, The People".  Never doubt this!  We can run this advertisement with a very small donation from each of us.

So we're asking you to up your ante!  $10 dollars from everyone will easily cover the cost and it will be more than worth it!  Smaller donations are great too, but if you can afford more, larger donations are needed and are most welcome! Although VFP Chapter 10 is just one small chapter, our chapter is donating $400 and we're working to up our ante, too!.

This ad is not just a one shot deal.  If we get strong support we will run this advertisement in papers near other military bases across the country.  Imagine this ad running in ten locations all on Veterans Day, to the soldiers of Fort Dix or the Marines of Camp Lejuene, etc. etc.  We can do this!  So please up the ante with both your time and your money.  Please do it immediately, too, because Veteran's Day is just days away!

Please make your check out, small or large, to Veterans For Peace.  On the memo line please write 'Watertown Ad' and mail it to:

Veterans For Peace
22 Elm Street

Albany, NY 12202-1703

Or if you want to make your payment right now online, you can donate through our new PayPal account.  Just click the donate button below.

For this campaign, we need to have all funds collected by November 3rd.  So please mail your check today.

Checks received after November 3rd will be dedicated to our next advertising campaign, to end the war in Iraq.  Be assured this money will be well spent and work to end the war in Iraq.

Thank you for your strong support.
John Amidon, President
VFP Chapter 10, Albany, NY

PS: We are also happy to list your name, or the name of your organization, as a supporter on our website when the ad runs. Please let us know if you want to be listed.

Should you have any questions or concerns please E-mail me, John Amidon at info@VFPChapter10.org. Thanks again. jwa